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Keep your clients up to date with what's happening. To make this content your own, just add your images, text and links, or connect to data from your collection.
August 29, 2020 at 7:00:00 AM

JHF Choir, 小雨點合唱團
Conductor:Bor-Jen Lin 林伯真
Pianist:Amy Huang 黃惠敏
Composer:Ching-Ju Shih 石青如
Lyrics:Hui-Mei Chang 張卉湄
Sponsor: J&H Foundation 小雨點基金會

冠狀病毒在2020年給世界造成了沉重打擊。儘管有許多障礙,我們的合唱團借由虛擬排練才能完成合唱這首歌。 我們希望這首歌能帶給您和平與祝福。
If Tomorrow Is Next Life
Aug 29, 2020
JHF Choir

JHF Choir, 小雨點合唱團
Conductor:Bor-Jen Lin 林伯真
Pianist:Amy Huang 黃惠敏
Composer:Ching-Ju Shih 石青如
Lyrics:Hui-Mei Chang 張卉湄
Sponsor: J&H Foundation 小雨點基金會
The coronavirus has dealt a heavy blow to the world in 2020. Despite many obstacles, our choir practices through virtual rehearsal and completed singing this song together vial virtual choir technology. We hope this song will bring you peace and blessings.