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278 items found

  • Cosmetology and Chinese Medicine

    January 11, 2021 at 12:00:00 AM 吳亞儒 中醫師,L.Ac.,DAOM 健康就是美,身體的虛寒緊濕影響新陳代謝、修復再生和免疫力,也影響自己的容貌。要美就要注意睡眠、飲食、壓力和鍛練,要注意腎、脾,肝和心肺的健康。本課由基本中醫之道談起,指出美容的禁忌:熬夜,脾胃寒,濕淤,肝緊。並告訴你如何以艾灸治療,和臉部美容的秘密。 1/24 ​ Cosmetology and Chinese Medicine Jan 11, 2021 Yaron Wu, L.Ac.,DAOM Watch Video Health is beauty. Deficiency, coldness and dampness in the body affect metabolism, repair and regeneration, and immunity, as well as one's own appearance. To be beautiful, one must pay attention to sleep, diet, stress, and exercise, as well as the health of the kidneys, spleen, liver, heart and lungs. This lesson starts from the basic principles of Chinese medicine, and points out the taboos of beauty: staying up late, cold spleen and stomach, damp stasis, tight liver. It concluded with how to use moxibustion treatment for cosmetology, and the secret of facial beauty. 1/24 ​

  • 小雨點活動

    Enjoy a Life Inspired by Music JHF Charity Concerts J&H Foundation sponsors high-quality music performances to share music to the public. The foundation believes that music can enrich and improve the quality of life. More JHF Choir A group of singers who like to sing and interact with the community sponsored by J&H Foundation, share the fun and emotion of music with everyone in a chorus. More

  • Health Talks

    April 8, 2021 at 7:00:00 AM 小雨點基金會 觀看專家3-5分鐘在養生和保健方面的有趣講解,學習如何照顧自己的健康和保養身體的新知。 1/0 ​ Health Talks Apr 8, 2021 J&H Foundation Watch the expert's 3-5 minutes of interesting explanations on health and wellness, and learn how to take care of your own health and gain new knowledge about keeping your body in good condition. 1/0 ​

  • 小雨點每週藝文談

    Channel 小雨點每週藝文談 ​ Details Watch video

  • JHF Activities

    October 21, 2020 at 7:00:00 AM 小雨點基金會 小雨點基金會本著公益初心舉辦活動,希望能帶給社區快樂健康的生活。 1/0 ​ JHF Activities Oct 21, 2020 J&H Foundation J&H Sponsored Activities in Arts, Culture, Health, Medicine and High Quality of Life Styles. 1/0 This is a channel for sharing information/memories about J&H Foundation sponsored activities in Arts, Culture, Health, Medicine and High Quality of Life Styles.

  • 小雨點合唱團

    Enjoy a Life Inspired by Music JHF Charity Concerts J&H Foundation sponsors high-quality music performances to share music to the public. The foundation believes that music can enrich and improve the quality of life. More JHF Choir A group of singers who like to sing and interact with the community sponsored by J&H Foundation, share the fun and emotion of music with everyone in a chorus. More

  • How to strengthen the immune system

    March 22, 2021 at 2:30:00 AM 吳亞儒 中醫師,L.Ac.,DAOM 此次講座由解釋人體的免疫系統到中醫如何提高人體的免疫和各種營養的攝取。也討論中醫的辟穀,斷食與肝臟排毒的治療和免疫系統的關係。 1/35 ​ How to strengthen the immune system Mar 22, 2021 Yaron Wu, L.Ac.,DAOM Watch Video The lecture talked about the body’s immune system and how Chinese medicine can improve the body’s immune system and how to intake various nutrients. It also discusses the relationship between fasting in traditional Chinese medicine and liver detoxification. This lecture will also discuss how these methods affect the immune system. 1/35 ​

  • 幸福家居環境能量

    Enjoy a Life Inspired by Music JHF Charity Concerts J&H Foundation sponsors high-quality music performances to share music to the public. The foundation believes that music can enrich and improve the quality of life. More JHF Choir A group of singers who like to sing and interact with the community sponsored by J&H Foundation, share the fun and emotion of music with everyone in a chorus. More

  • 對時間的困惑

    Enjoy a Life Inspired by Music JHF Charity Concerts J&H Foundation sponsors high-quality music performances to share music to the public. The foundation believes that music can enrich and improve the quality of life. More JHF Choir A group of singers who like to sing and interact with the community sponsored by J&H Foundation, share the fun and emotion of music with everyone in a chorus. More

  • Chinese Therapeutics for Chronic Waist Pain

    August 9, 2020 at 11:00:00 PM 吳亞儒 中醫師,L.Ac.,DAOM 此次講座將解釋中醫如何配合身體放鬆運動來幫助緩解慢性腰部疼痛。 Dr-Wu-COVID-19 Images used in the talk Dr-Wu-COVID-19 Images used in the talk 1/8 ​ Chinese Therapeutics for Chronic Waist Pain Aug 9, 2020 Yaron Wu, L.Ac.,DAOM Watch Video This lecture will explain how Chinese medicine works with body relaxation exercises to help relieve chronic waist pain. Dr-Wu-COVID-19 Images used in the talk Dr-Wu-COVID-19 Images used in the talk 1/8 ​

  • Confusion about Time

    December 17, 2020 at 10:00:00 PM 吳玲瑤 作家吳玲瑤以幽默風趣的口吻細說時間的困惑。談笑中解讀“時間快慢是感覺? 還是有科學根據?” 1/1 小時候寫作文喜歡裝成熟,老氣橫秋地形容時間:「光陰似箭、歲月如梭、白駒過隙、日光荏苒」,其實並沒有真正體會歲月的流逝似箭如梭,日子還是天天在盼望暑假寒假,盼著過年的紅包,時間過得奇慢無比。每一個等待都得等好久好久,誠如羅大佑的《童年》:「等待著下課,等待著放學,等待遊戲的童年,隔壁班的那個女孩怎麼還沒經過我的窗前?」 童年的十分鐘可以過得天長地久,像一列慢慢行駛的火車。也不知道從什麼時候開始,時間像個賊,偷走我們的曾經,隨著年齡增長,突然變成高速飛奔的快車,日子在閃神間消失,抓也抓不住,越來越快一發不可收拾?使我們對時間充滿了困惑。文學中對歲月的流逝是一再被提及的話題,張愛玲曾說過:「悠長得像永生的童年,相當愉快地度日如年…然後時間加速,越來越快」,在《半生緣》裡也提及:「日子過得真快,對於中年以後的人來講,十年八年好像是指逢間的事。」 年紀大了對時光不待人滿懷感慨,發出沒有答案的天問,歲月去哪了,還沒好好感受年輕就老了,還沒好好看世界眼睛就花了。有說青春像衛生紙,看著挺多,用著用著就不夠了。也有看待時間如捲筒衛生紙,年輕時像剛換新卷,很久才轉一圈,老了像快用完,手一拉就是三四圈,一下子幾年過去了。有人也把時間比成一條河,從遙遠的過去流向未來,不能停息也不能倒退,「現在」只是時間之河上的一點,卻永遠抓不住。 人們瞭解什麼是時間之前,其實已經將它消磨了一半。因為困惑不解,所以未曾停止對於時間和空間的探索,時間快慢是感覺? 還是有科學根據?愛因斯坦曾用相對論來說明時間,坐在燙熱的火爐旁邊,會覺得時間過得特別慢,如果跟情人約會,會覺得時間過得特別快。美國史丹福大學的神經科學教授伊格曼(David Eagleman),認為大腦處理新穎事務時會耗費較多能量,紀錄下更多的記憶,童年時每天都學新東西,覺得時間過得特慢。長大後習以為常的體驗,腦子見怪不怪,時間會感覺越過越快。就像去一個新的地方,總覺得去的路顯得特別的長,回程熟悉那條路後,感覺就短許多,也許讓時間慢下來的祕訣,是尋找新鮮的體驗。 中國古代神話小說和《西遊記》中曾多處提及,「天上一天,人間一年」,我向學科學的先生求證有無此可能,他說有可能,根據相對論,只要速度足夠快,時間就會變慢。他還想起大學時物理課曾經考過一題佔了20分,「依照這個比例,天上的座標,和人間的座標,相對速度是多少?」對我這學文的一點都不懂,徒增對時間的困惑。 有人想到牛郎織女的故事,一年才能於七夕見一次面的牛郎,對織女述說他的相思之苦,織女卻回:「人間一年天上一天你不知道嗎? 我可是每天吃完早飯就得見你了,天天見面你不煩,我煩啊。」也算是對時間困惑所產生的笑話。 Confusion about Time Dec 17, 2020 Lingyao Wu Watch Video Lingyao Wu, a well-known writer, elaborated on the confusion of time in a humorous tone. She shared her view of "Is the speed of time a feeling? Or is it scientifically based?" in a fun essay. 1/1 When I was young, I liked to pretend to be mature, and describe time in an old-fashioned way: "Time is like an arrow, lifetime is like a shuttle, like white horses run across a gap, and the sunlight is flying by." In fact, I don't really understand the passage of years like an arrow. I still look forward to summer and winter vacation every day, also long for red envelopes. It feels like time is passing very slowly. Every wait lasts for a long, long time, just like Luo Dayou's "Childhood": "Waiting for the end of class, waiting for the end of school, waiting for playing the game, and wondering why the girl in the next class has not passed my window?" Ten minutes of childhood can last forever, like a slowly moving train. I don’t know when it started. Time is like a thief, stealing our past. As we grow older, it suddenly becomes a fast-running express. The days disappear in the flash of God, and I can’t catch it, and it is getting faster and faster and out of control. It makes us confused about time. The passage of years is a topic that has been repeatedly mentioned in literature. Zhang Ailing once said: "A childhood that is as long as eternal life, living like years happily...then time accelerates and becomes faster and faster", which is mentioned in "Half Life" And: "Life flies so fast. For people after middle age, ten or eight years seems to be a matter of seconds." When I get older, I am full of emotions about time being indifferent, and I send out an unanswered question: "where are the years?" I become old before I feel young, and my eyes get presbyopia before I take a good look at the world. It is said that youth is like toilet paper. It looks like a lot still left, but it is not enough for us to use. Some people think of time like a roll of toilet paper. When I was young, I just had a new roll. It took a long time to turn around. When I was old, it seemed to run out. When I pulled it, it was three or four turns and several years passed. Some people also compare time to a river, flowing from the distant past to the future, without stopping or going backwards. "Now" is just a point on the river of time, but it can never be caught. Before people understand what time is, they have actually consumed half of it. Because of confusion, I have never stopped exploring time and space. Is the speed of time a sense? Or is it scientifically based? Einstein once used the theory of relativity to explain time. Sitting next to a hot stove, you will feel that time passes very slowly. If you date a lover, you will feel that time passes very quickly. David Eagleman, a professor of neuroscience at Stanford University in the United States, believes that the brain consumes more energy when processing novel things, records more memories, and learns new things every day in childhood, feeling that time flies very slowly. When I grow up, I am accustomed to the experience, and my mind does not see it being strange, and time will feel faster. Just like going to a new place, I always feel that the road to go is very long. After getting familiar with that road on the return journey, it feels much shorter. Perhaps the secret to slowing down time is to find a fresh experience. The ancient Chinese myths and stories in "Journey to the West" mentioned this in many places: "One day in the sky, one year in the world." I asked my husband, who studied science, whether it was possible. He said it is possible. According to the theory of relativity, as long as the speed is fast enough, the time will slow down. He also remembered that he had taken 20 points for one question in the physics class in college, "According to this ratio, what is the relative speed between the coordinates in the sky and the coordinates in the world?" What a confusing question to me. I thought of the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. The Cowherd, who lives on Earth, can only meet once a year on Qixi Festival, told the Weaver Girl about his lovesickness. But the Weaver Girl replied, "Don’t you know that a year on Earth is a day in the heaven?Seeing you once a day is just right. Wouldn't you feel annoying to meet each other every Earth day? If you didn't find it annoying, I'm annoyed." It can be regarded as a joke caused by confusion over time.

  • Be Friend with Your Body - Class 1

    August 23, 2020 at 3:00:00 AM 吳亞儒 中醫師,L.Ac.,DAOM 和你的身體做朋友第一課介紹身體的9個容易被堵的部位,如何以呼吸運氣去體會各部位的情形,並改善自己的健康。 1/19 這節課教您如何使用自我意識,站立冥想找到最舒適的“靜止”姿勢,以使您的身體在餘生中都得到照顧。 我們將介紹人體很容易地被堵住的9個區域; 練習減少對外的注意而以看,聽,聞,嚐自己的內在情緒,聽取內部氣息的流動。 我們將練習呼吸並感覺您自己的皮膚運動。 我們還將練習如何計算進食時咀嚼次數以及如何做肩膀運動。 本系列包括以下課程: 1.簡介:如何感覺您的身體,為什麼我們與身體斷開連接,如何通過呼吸感覺皮膚運動 2.如何坐著:通過坐著感覺自己的身體 3.站立冥想:通過站立感覺自己的身體 4.慢走:應跟隨身體的運動節奏,而不是要求。是移動您的整個脊椎基礎 5.整個脊柱運動基礎 6.糖尿病的特殊脊柱運動 7.感受肌肉緊張的基本放鬆技巧 8.伸展基礎 9. 3D自我調整技術 - 找到關節最放鬆的位置 10.感受自己的內臟器官 - 成為身體一生的好朋友 本系列將以問答環節結束。 Be Friend with Your Body - Class 1 Aug 23, 2020 Yaron Wu, L.Ac.,DAOM Watch Video Be friend with your body class 1 is the first class of a series of 10 lectures. It is designed for diabetes patients. Through lectures and practices you will learn how to meditate, practice slow Chinese ancient exercises, and use breath and feel to find where the problem is. 1/19 This class teaches how to use self awareness, standing mediation to find the most comfort "still" position for your body to care of your health for the rest of your life. We will go over 9 areas in the body that could be blocked easily; practice withdraw attention: seeing, listening to, smelling, tasting your own internals, listen to your internal Qi's flow. We will practice breath and feel your own skin movement. We will also practice how to count the number of chews when eating, followed by shoulder movement. This series include the following classes: 1. Introduction: How to feel your body, why and how to disconnect yourself with your body, how to feel your skin movement though breathing 2. How to Sit: Feel your body through siting 3. Standing meditation: feel your body through standing 4. Slow walk: follow your body's rhythm of movement, not demand -- the basic for moving your spine 5. Whole spine movement basic 6. Special spine movement for diabetes 7. Feel your muscle tension and basic relax technique 8. Stretching basic 9. 3D self-adjustment technique - Find most relaxing position for your joint 10. Feel your internal organs -vBe friend with your body graduation This series will be concluded with a Q&A session.

  • KCSF-Something to share

    October 30, 2018 at 5:00:00 PM KCSF 26 ​ 1/3 ​ KCSF-Something to share Oct 30, 2018 KCSF Watch Video ​ 1/3 ​

  • 阿茲海默症 慈善音樂會

    Enjoy a Life Inspired by Music JHF Charity Concerts J&H Foundation sponsors high-quality music performances to share music to the public. The foundation believes that music can enrich and improve the quality of life. More JHF Choir A group of singers who like to sing and interact with the community sponsored by J&H Foundation, share the fun and emotion of music with everyone in a chorus. More

  • Hay Fever

    March 8, 2021 at 12:00:00 AM 吳亞儒 中醫師,L.Ac.,DAOM 由健康的四大因素和保養法則了解花粉熱和身體虛寒的關連,再由身體虚寒調理的方法談如何醫治花粉熱和過敏。 1/36 ​ Hay Fever Mar 8, 2021 Yaron Wu, L.Ac.,DAOM Watch Video We will study the relationship between "hay fever" and "body deficiency and coldness" from the four major factors of health and the principles of health maintenance. We will discuss how to treat hay fever and allergies by regulating the body’s deficiency and coldness. 1/36 ​

  • Shadow Play and Woodblock New Year Painting

    September 27, 2017 at 3:00:00 AM 魯漢,崔鵬 小雨點慈善基金會(J&H Foundation)邀請青島市民間藝術家魯漢和崔鵬到訪灣區,並於2017年9月26日在桑尼維爾的河洛醫科大學禮堂舉行製作表演。許多家長和孩子參加。小朋友也在現場把玩皮影戲偶,製作木版年畫,親身體驗中華傳統文化。 崔鵬與母親在青島開創大嘴巴皮影班,也在當地多所小學開辦皮影課。她指出皮影戲在中華文史記載中已有超過一千年的歷史。皮影戲是最不受限制的表演模式。皮影戲能在劇中殺死角色,讓人變成動物,也可輕鬆切換水陸等場景。 青島市手工藝協會會長魯漢表示,木版年畫是中國古老印刷方法。以木板刻出門神、財神、灶神等圖示再轉印到紙上。傳統時代家家戶戶都會張貼木版年畫在門口以求平安財運和事事順遂。他在現場表演示範如何製作財神木版年畫。兩位藝術家已訪問美國多個城市的學校加博物館,希望能將這兩項手工藝傳揚全美各地。 1/5 皮影戲,又稱“影子戲”或“燈影戲”,是一種以獸皮或紙板做成的人物剪影以表演故事的民間戲劇。表演時,藝人們在白色幕布後面,一邊操縱影人,一邊用當地流行的曲調講述故事,同時配以打擊樂器和弦樂,有濃厚的鄉土氣息。其流行範圍極為廣泛,並因各地所演的聲腔不同而形成多種多樣的皮影戲。 皮影戲是中國民間古老的傳統藝術,老北京人都叫它“驢皮影”。據史書記載,皮影戲始於西漢,興於唐朝,盛於清代,元代時期傳至西亞和歐洲,可謂歷史悠久,源遠流長。 木版年畫 木版年畫是中國歷史悠久的傳統民間藝術形式,有一千多年的歷史。到了清代中晚期,民間年畫達到了鼎盛階段。在中國民間,年畫就是年的象徵,不貼年畫就不算過年。年畫已不僅是節日的裝飾品,它所具有的文化價值和藝術價值,使它成為反映中國民間社會生活的百科全書。 2008年6月7日,木版年畫經國務院批准列入第二批國家級非物質文化遺產名錄。 2017年9月26日晚上8:00~9:30, 在Sunnyvale 河洛醫科大學一樓大禮堂,青島市著名民間藝術家魯漢、青島市皮影製作與表演藝術家崔鵬將來到舊金山,為灣區熱愛中國傳統文化的孩子們奉上一場生動的皮影戲與木版年畫製作表演。 兩位藝術家此行是參加中國文化部組織的“文化力”中美民間文化交流活動。兩位藝術家已經在美國東部的7個城市、8所學校、3個博物館,分別向近萬名青少年展示了木版年畫、皮影等民間手工藝術,深受孩子們的喜歡,通過此次文化交流,讓遠隔重洋的美國近距離感受到了中國傳統文化綻放的魅力。 魯漢,中國民俗學會會員,山東省民俗學會常務理事,青島市手工藝協會會長,青島市民間文藝家協會副主席,山東省首批“齊魯文化之星”. 崔鵬,青島市皮影製作、表演藝術家。隨母親組建的大嘴巴皮影班在青島市廣受歡迎,在多所小學開辦皮影課堂,曾參加全國少兒皮影展演,榮獲創新獎。她致力於皮影的創新變化,一口流利的英語更是將中國皮影生動有趣地介紹給美國學生. Shadow Play and Woodblock New Year Painting Sep 27, 2017 Cui Pong, Lu Hang Watch Video J&H Foundation invited Qingdao artists Lu Han and Cui Peng to visit the Bay Area and held a production performance in the auditorium of Heluo Medical University in Sunnyvale on September 26, 2017. Many parents and children participated. Children are also playing with shadow puppets, making woodblock New Year pictures, and experiencing Chinese traditional culture firsthand. Cui Peng and his mother started a Big-Mouth shadow puppet class in Qingdao and also held shadow puppet classes in many local primary schools. She pointed out that shadow play has a history of more than one thousand years in Chinese literature and history. Shadow play is the most unrestricted performance mode. Shadow puppets can kill characters in the play, turn people into animals, and easily switch between water and land and other scenes. Lu Han, president of the Qingdao Handicraft Association, said that woodblock New Year pictures are ancient Chinese printing methods. Engrave the icons of the God of Fortune, God of Wealth, and Kitchen God on wooden boards and transfer them to paper. In the traditional era, every household will post woodblock New Year pictures at the door for safe wealth and success. He demonstrated how to make a woodcut New Year picture of the God of Wealth. The two artists have visited schools and museums in many cities in the United States, hoping to share these two Chinese classical arts throughout the United States. 1/5 Shadow puppet play, also known as "shadow play" or "light shadow play", is a kind of folk play in which silhouettes of figures made of animal skins or cardboard are used to perform stories. During the performance, the artists are behind the white curtain, while manipulating the movie man, while telling the story with popular local tunes, at the same time, it is accompanied by percussion instruments and string music, which has a strong local flavor. Its popularity is extremely wide, and various shadow puppets are formed due to the different voices performed in various places. Shadow puppetry is an ancient traditional Chinese folk art. Old Beijingers call it "donkey shadow puppet". According to historical records, shadow play began in the Western Han Dynasty, flourished in the Tang Dynasty, flourished in the Qing Dynasty, and spread to West Asia and Europe during the Yuan Dynasty. It can be said to have a long history and a long history. Woodblock New Year Pictures Woodblock New Year pictures are a traditional folk art form with a long history in China, with a history of more than a thousand years. In the middle and late Qing Dynasty, folk New Year pictures reached their peak. In the Chinese folks, New Year pictures are a symbol of the New Year, and it is not considered a New Year if you don’t paste the New Year pictures. New Year pictures are not only festive decorations, but their cultural and artistic values ​​make them an encyclopedia reflecting the life of Chinese civil society. On June 7, 2008, the woodblock New Year pictures were included in the second batch of national intangible cultural heritage lists with the approval of the State Council. From 8:00 to 9:30 pm on September 26, 2017, in the auditorium on the first floor of Sunnyvale Heluo Medical University, Qingdao’s famous folk artist Lu Han and Qingdao’s shadow puppet production and performance artist Cui Peng will come to San Francisco and love the Bay Area. Children of traditional Chinese culture presented a vivid shadow play and woodblock New Year painting production performance. The two artists' trip is to participate in the "Cultural Power" Sino-US folk cultural exchange activities organized by the Chinese Ministry of Culture. The two artists have shown woodblock New Year pictures, shadow puppets and other folk arts to nearly 10,000 young people in 7 cities, 8 schools, and 3 museums in the eastern United States. They are deeply loved by children and through this cultural exchange , So that the United States far away from the ocean can feel the charm of Chinese traditional culture blooming up close. Lu Han, member of Chinese Folklore Society, executive director of Shandong Folklore Society, chairman of Qingdao Handicraft Association, vice chairman of Qingdao Civil Artists Association, Shandong Province’s first batch of "Qilu Culture Stars". Cui Peng is a shadow puppet production and performance artist in Qingdao. The big mouth shadow puppet class set up with his mother is very popular in Qingdao. Shadow puppet classes have been opened in many elementary schools. They have participated in the national children's shadow puppet show and won the Innovation Award. She is committed to the innovation and change of shadow puppets. She speaks fluent English and introduces Chinese shadow puppets to American students vividly and interestingly.

  • Protection Against Heat

    August 16, 2020 at 11:00:00 PM 吳亞儒 中醫師,L.Ac.,DAOM 了解大熱天的熱氣可以帶來的疾病(熱衰竭,熱痙攣,熱射病),和結合中西醫對中暑的防護,急救與治療。 1/27 ​ Protection Against Heat Aug 16, 2020 Yaron Wu, L.Ac.,DAOM Watch Video Understand the sicknesses (heat exhaustion, heat cramps, heat stroke) that can be caused by the heat and learn how to apply Chinese and Western medicines to prevent heatstroke, rescue and treat those sickness. 1/27 ​

  • Share a Bit of Gem in You An Open Stage for All

    August 26, 2021 at 2:00:00 AM 小雨點基金會 “分享你心中的一塊寶石”不是比賽,而是 K-12 學生在演講中分享自己的一個開放舞台。 沒有預設的提案類別。 只需與其他參與者、朋友和家人分享您最珍惜的關於您自己的一些事情就可以。演講範圍和主題是海濶天空。只要主題和演講是建設性的、積極的、有益的、並且對我們的社會和我們的同胞有益無害。 對參與者來說,這個活動給的最重要的獎勵是認識最喜歡自己的一些地方,並花心思與其他人分享。 J&H 基金會將根據所有參予者的成果和參予者在制作演述的努力和自己的體驗收穫,頒發幾位參加者300 美元的獎學金,另外會給予每位參加者一點禮物。 請在 2021 年 7 月 31 日之前通過提交鏈接提交您的演示文稿提案。 J&H 基金會團隊將對您的提案保密,在內部審查提案,並在事後向您發送確認和反饋。 J&H 基金會於太平洋夏令時間 7月 8 日晚上 7 點 30 分舉辦 Zoom 一般介紹會議,以分享有關此活動的信息並回答問題。 如果您打算提交提案,請參加本次會議。 1/9 “分享你心中的一點寶石”不是比賽,而是 K-12 學生在演講中分享自己的一個開放舞台。 沒有預設的提案類別。 只需與其他參與者、朋友和家人分享您最珍惜的關於您自己的一些事情就可以。 對參與者來說,這個活動給的最重要的獎勵是認識最喜歡自己的一些地方,並花心思與其他人分享。 J&H 基金會將根據所有參予者的成果和參予者在制作演述的努力和自己的體驗收穫,頒發幾位參加者300 美元的獎學金,另外會給予每位參加者一點禮物。 演講範圍和主題是海濶天空。只要主題和演講是建設性的、積極的、有益的、並且對我們的社會和我們的同胞有益無害。 例如(但不限於)題材可能是您在音樂、歌唱、體育、科學、數學、繪畫、散文、詩歌、園藝、鉤針編織,剪紙等方面的才能。它也可能是關於您的一些獨特的生活經歷。 請在 2021 年 7 月 15 日之前通過小雨點基金會的網站提交您的演講提案。 小雨點基金會會將您的提案保密,只由團隊審核提案並在事後向您發送確認函。 所有演示材料必須在 2021 年 8 月 15 日之前完成並上傳到 小雨點基金會的 Google Drive。小雨點基金會將在 2021 年 8 月 22 日至8 月 29 日一週中通過 一連串的Zoom 會議進行來展示自己的成果和講述心路歴程。 成果的演示的形式可以是現場表演、以演示材料為基礎的現場陳述、兩者的結合,也可以是以一種您創造的方式進行,只要它可以將您的“一點寶貴財富”有效地傳述給其他人就可。 為確保我們將在參與者和觀眾之間進行建設性和有益的分享,小雨點基金會保留拒絕任何被視為不公平、種族偏見、政治偏見、宗教偏見、犯罪和對社區有害的題目的權利。 小雨點基金會基金會聯絡 日程表: 2021 年 7 月 08 日:一般介紹性 Zoom 會議 晚上 7:30,太平洋夏令時 會議編號:849 7504 3732 2021/7/15: 題目提交截止,提交網址將不在收件。 7/22/2021:小雨點基金會基金會通知每位參加者其題目是否被接受 2021 年 8 月 15 日:所有演示材料都上傳到 J&H 基金會的 Google Drive,並告知小雨點基金會 8/22-8/29間參加者可以給予演述的的日期 2021 年 8 月 20 日:小雨點基金會 公佈演述時間表和Zoom Meeting資訊 8/22-8/29/2021:小雨點基金會基金會舉辦一系列 Zoom 會議 大部分演講會在工作日晚上和周末進行。 Zoom Meeting: TBD 9/7/2021: 小雨點基金會分發獎學金和禮物給參加者 Share a Bit of Gem in You An Open Stage for All Aug 26, 2021 J&H Foundation Presentation Snippets “Share a Bit of Gem in You” is not a competition, but more like an open stage for K-12 students to share a bit of themselves in a presentation. There is no preset categories for submission. Just share with the fellow participants, friends and families something about yourself that you treasure the most. Sky is the limit for the scope and theme, as long as the subject and the presentation are constructive, positive, beneficial and not harmful to our society. We wish the most important reward for the participant is the experience from recognizing something they like the most to making efforts to share with other folks. J&H Foundation also gives a few participants $300 scholarships and the other participants some gifts based on the merits and efforts of the project. There are 4 advisors who are psychiatrists and educators for the youth to give feedbacks to all participants. To learn more about the concept of the event please watch the recording: 1/9 “Share a Bit of Gem in You” is not a competition, but more an open stage for K-12 students to share a bit of themselves in a presentation. There is no preset categories for submission. Just share something about yourself that you treasure the most with the fellow participants, friends and families. The most important reward for the participant is to recognize something about themselves that you like the most and make efforts to share with other folks. J&H Foundation will give a few $300 scholarships and other gifts to all participants based on their merits and efforts in this project. Sky is the limit for the scope and theme of the presentation, as long as the subject and the presentation are constructive, positive, beneficial and not harmful to our society and our fellow folks. For example, but not limited to, it could be your talent in music, singing, sports, sciences, maths, painting, essays, poems, gardening, crochet, etc, you name it. It could also be about some unique life experiences. Please submit your presentation proposal by 7/31/2021 via J&H Foundation. You can visit J&H Foundation’s web site to register and submit your application form. J&H Foundation will keep your proposal private and the event team will review the proposal and send you a confirmation and feedback afterwords. We wish your presentation in the zoom meeting at least includes * What is your gem to be presented? * Why do you treasure this gem? * What do you learn in this project? * What are the challenges? * Share your gem in the presentation format of your choice. The presentation is preferred to be 5-20 minutes. All presentation materials must be completed and uploaded to J&H Foundation’s Google Drive by 8/15/ 2021. The presentation will be done via Zoom meetings on the week of 8/22/2021. The format of presentation is at the participant's choice. It can be a live or pre-recorded presentation, a combination of both or in any creative way that can transpire your bit of gem to other folks. The participant can choose not to show face during the presentation if this format can work out best for the participant. To assure that we will have constructive and beneficial sharing experiences among the participants and audiences, J&H Foundation reserves the right to reject any presentation deemed to be unfair, racially biased, political biased, religion biased, criminal, and harmful to the community. J&H Foundation has hosted an introductory Zoom meeting. To learn more, please visit URL: ----------------------------------------- J&H Foundation Contact Schedule: 7/08/2021: General Introductory Zoom Meeting 7/31/2021: Register your proposal. (Use “Register Proposal / Upload Sharing” Button on this page) 8/01/2021: J&H Foundation’s Notification of Acceptance 8/15/2021: All Presentation Materials uploaded to J&H Foundation‘s Google Drive with Presentation Dates Preference (Use “Register Proposal / Upload Sharing” Button on this page) 8/20/2021: The presentation schedule will be sent to all participants 8/22-8/29/2021: J&H Foundation hosts a series of Zoom Meetings. The participant is required to attend the session that includes the participant's sharing. Attending other sessions is highly recommended but optional. There could be good lessons to learn from other participants. Please note that all presentation sessions will be in weekday nights or in weekends. 9/7/2021: J&H Foundation delivers scholarships and gifts to all participants.

  • Wetness in the Body

    January 25, 2020 at 12:00:00 AM 吳亞儒 中醫師,L.Ac.,DAOM 濕是因污濁堵塞,濕有內濕外濕。本課講解濕如何形成,造成那些症狀,如何調適,如何治療。 1/45 ​ Wetness in the Body Jan 25, 2020 Yaron Wu, L.Ac.,DAOM Watch Video Wetness in the body is caused by dirty and clog. There are internal and external dampness. This lesson explains how dampness forms, what symptoms it causes, how to adjust, and how to treat it using Chinese medicine. 1/45 ​

  • The Fact of Cancer

    November 22, 2018 at 8:00:00 AM 李治中 李治中,筆名菠蘿,「拾玉」儿童癌症公益基金會創始人、科普作家。80後,清華大學本科,美國杜克大學癌症生物學博士,跨國頂尖製藥公司癌症新藥開發部實驗室負責人。愛好科普、科研和公益事業,已經出版兩本暢銷書《癌症·真相:醫生也在讀》 《癌症·新知:科學終結恐慌》。內容豐富、前沿,文筆風趣幽默。影響上千萬人。 「為什麼我們現在能夠「戰勝」癌症,為什麼癌症的生存率已經翻番了?是因為我們對癌症的認知發生了革命。」 「我們是兼職在闢謠,別人是全職在傳播偽科學。」 1/1 ​ The Fact of Cancer Nov 22, 2018 Li Zhizhong Watch Video Li Zhizhong, under the pen name Pineapple, is the founder and popular science writer of "Shiyu" Children's Cancer Charity Foundation. Post-80s, Bachelor of Tsinghua University, Doctor of Cancer Biology from Duke University, Head of the Laboratory of Cancer New Drug Development Department of a top multinational pharmaceutical company. He loves popular science, scientific research and public welfare, and has published two best-selling books "Cancer - The Truth: Doctors Are Reading" and "Cancer - New Knowledge: Science Ends Panic". Rich in content, cutting-edge, witty and humorous. Affect tens of millions of people. "Why can we "beat" cancer now? Why has the survival rate of cancer doubled? It is because our understanding of cancer has revolutionized. " "We are refuting rumors part-time, and others are spreading pseudoscience full-time." 1/1 ​

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